Imaginings of the Beyond is a collection of 9 short stories that delve into realms of fantasy and magic. This collection features tales of enchanted worlds, mythical creatures, and extraordinary powers, where the boundaries of reality blur and the extraordinary becomes possible. Discover:
- A young man has to drop everything to outrun a mysterious biker gang that wants the kind mermaid he's trying to save in Dinnie the Cowpond Siren.
- A little girl flirts with the dangers of magic when breaking her father's rules in Catching Daisies.
- A soon-to-be father learns a family secret and gains a fantastical power to see beyond in These Walls.
- A husband who has lost everything seeks to find his way back from the bottle and the street in A Peaceful Cliff.
- Take a visceral journey to discover the inimitable in Geoffrey Ogden Davis.
- The means of this magic may seem boring, but the effects are far from it in Boring Magic.
- Animal folk fight for their freedom and their lives in Jimothy.
- A daughter finds her way through the wreckage of dragon fire in The Keeper's Choice.
- A man finds meaning after losing all despite wars and witchcraft in A Traitor's Death to Die
Published by Quinn & Quill Publishing