The co-author problem

PubShare splits book royalties so you don't have to.

  • One Project

    Upload cover and interior to PubShare for Kobo, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books, Google Play, Paperbacks, and/or Hardcovers.

  • Multiple Creators

    Each contributor can view daily sales statistics. They receive their royalty share each month via PayPal.

Happy with their sales

Collaborative Publishing Benefits

How PubShare helps collaborators

  • Use Your Own Assets

    You can upload the final cover and manuscript for each sales channel just as you want them to be available for customers.

  • Individual Royalty Rates

    Participants may have different royalty rates. You decide who gets paid what percentage. And you can even have a sliding scale of rates.

  • Timely Sales Metrics

    See daily sales counts and estimated royalties for each sales channel. Data imported once a day from each retailer.

  • No Monthly Headache

    No need to track every sale each month. No need to divide income between contributors. PubShare does it all for you.

How it works.

1. Create a project

Create a collaborative project, add participants, and specify royalty percentage each participant receives.

2. Assets & metadata

Upload the cover and interior (epub, mobi, etc.) for your project. Set up the project's metadata such as title, description, price, etc.

3. Publish the project

Publish your collaborative project through PubShare to Amazon, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books, Google Play, and other retailers.

4. Receive royalties

After PubShare receives royalties for sales of your project, the royalties are divvied up among the project's participants.

90% of all income from a project is distributed across the participants of the project.
PubShare keeps 10% for the service.

What are you waiting for?

After joining, Enable Publishing on your account.