Cromwell's Echo

A Cathryn Harcourt Mystery Short

A spy from the past. A clue for the ages.
Cromwell's Echo

Cromwell's Echo

by Joslyn Chase
Published Apr 21, 2023

About this Book

When her niece's husband becomes involved in a murder with a missing body, Cathryn flies to England to help.
An English tea party, a Historical Society lecture, and a visit to Oliver Cromwell's house bring her dangerously close to a sinister spy plot.
With a missing key only she can find.
Join Cathryn for a delightfully devious stroll down the cobblestoned streets of Ely in this intriguing puzzle mystery. Fans of Elizabeth Peters, Dorothy Gillman, and Dick Francis will enjoy Cathryn's audacious spirit.
Published by Paraquel Press
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